Movement out of limits

Perfect, that fixed it. Now my other uArm can also reach point A!


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Very informative topic, thanks for sharing this informations


I still have issues with limits.

For example, when I issue: ā€œG2202 N2 V-90\nā€
The SwiftPro will attempt to move beyond its limit, which clearly damages the gearing (the grinding noise is cringe-making)

Please provide a fix as soon as possible.

G2202 N2 V-90 is unreachable, try G2202 N2 V0 to G2202 N2 V80

Yes, I understand that G2202 N2 V-90 is unreachable.

The point is, that the SwiftPro should also know that, and NOT attempt to move there anyway.

Which firmware did you use? How about use the latest firmware 4.4.0 and try.