SVG paths closed

I am trying to draw vector graphics from Inkscape or Affinity Designer with uArm Studio. Unfortunately some paths / lines are drawn closed. I can’t see any error in the SVG file.

It seems that uArm Studio interprets the path as closed path. Even if there is no z at the end of the SVG code.

<g id="path3929-2"
   d="m 0.379,858.389 11.453,0.253 8.586,0 9.596,1.262 13.385,1.263 18.183,-1.515 11.869,-1.515 13.384,-0.253 6.566,0 6.314,0.758 18.183,-0.758 4.798,0.505 13.384,0 3.788,-5.051 12.88,0.758 19.445,0 6.819,0.505 10.354,-6.313 8.586,-5.809 5.304,-8.081 4.545,-6.819 5.809,-7.828 3.788,-3.536 3.535,0 3.536,1.515 5.303,2.526 4.041,0.252 5.808,-1.01 2.778,-3.788 1.768,-1.768 2.778,1.263 3.283,3.031 4.293,2.777 6.061,0.506 4.04,1.767 3.788,2.021 3.283,1.515 4.546,-1.263 1.768,-1.263 3.283,0.505 6.313,0 3.788,-2.02 1.768,0.758 1.768,3.03 5.808,3.283 2.778,0 7.576,4.798 9.597,3.283 10.101,2.273 7.576,-2.525 2.778,0 2.273,2.02 15.405,4.293 8.839,1.263 8.081,-2.273 12.627,-4.798 6.313,-3.536 2.778,-2.272 3.536,-2.273 5.303,-6.314 3.283,-4.798 2.778,-0.757 5.051,3.283 4.546,7.071 2.272,5.05 2.021,6.819 16.162,11.617 7.576,0.757 6.061,2.273 8.587,0.505 2.777,0.253 4.546,1.767 2.778,-1.515 5.556,1.768 9.091,0.253 12.122,0 5.051,-1.011 6.061,2.021 6.313,-0.505 8.587,1.01 5.05,-1.768 11.617,1.263 9.849,-1.01 18.688,-0.506 10.606,0.758 9.849,0.253 6.566,-1.263 4.546,1.01 16.163,-0.252"
   id="path4146" /></g>


The original SVG:

It also happens with the included graphics in uArmStudio.

There’s a similar problem regarding the laser: