UClient Won't Open on Mac


I just received two uArm Metal robotic arms, and downloaded the uClient. However, uClient won’t open on my computer. I have downloaded it 3 times in case it was corrupted during download.

When I attempt to open uClient I get the message:
“uarm_client” is damaged and can’t be opened. You should move it to the Trash."

Please see attached image for info about my computer and os.


I fixed the problem.

Then post the solution.

Changed my privacy settlings to allow apps from unknown developers.

Can you elaborate on this please? I am getting the same error, but have never seen this before. This is a different error that one usually gets on a mac when you try to open an “unknown” application. How do you change your privacy settings?

Was this its issue ever resolved? If so, can someone post the information to fix it?

Downloading the current client_v2.0.zip results in the same ““uarm_client” is damaged and can’t be opened. You should move it to the Trash” message.

Executing this command in a terminal window:

sudo spctl --master-disable

allows the application to start, but the resulting uarm_client window is empty.

Are there any other suggestions for getting the uarm client to function on Mac (running OSX 10.12.3 Sierra)?

i do not run mac but a quick google search turns up a few solutions for several different applications. the uArm software works fine your computer is just not allowing it to load

did you ever find a solution?