Hi there, I just received the uArm metal and I am trying out the QuickStart examples with uArmForArduino, but I got some issues.
When I tried the MoveTo example with uarm.moveTo(0,-20,20), the arm goes to one place first and move to another, shouldn’t it move to (0,-20,20) in one-go?
And if I set uarm.moveTo(0,0,0,1,2). It should stay still, right? But the arm moves when I load the code… -
When I tried the Get XYZ Example, the Arduino Serial monitor always shows The current location is (0,0,0). It means that the Arduino can’t read the location of the arm tip. How does it come?
And for the calibration, do I need to do anything to calibrate the hardware, such as the motors, arm configurations?
I am new to the uArm, could anyone help me figure these issues out? Many thanks.