Cant Install UFACTORY Studio on Windows

I am experiencing a problem that I cant seem to solve it anymore. I am seeking help. Actually, I downloaded UFACTORY Studio on Windows, but when I am trying to install this, I am getting this error “This installation is forbidden by system policy. Contact your administrator.” I have no idea what could be the issue. Could someone please help me to resolve the issue?

First I followed some basic methods by updating Windows and some other devices of my PC. But still I was getting the same issue.

Then I searched online for resolving the issue and came across this guide. I followed some methods from there. First I disabled user account control and edited the Windows installer group policy settings. Then modified local security policy settings and registry. After doing the methods perfectly, the problem got solved. Now I have no longer any issues while installing the tool on my PC and I am working fine on there.

Hi RonaldoLesch,

Good news! You can also access UFactory Studio without installing software, entering ‘IP+:18333’ in the google browser to access it.

Best regards,