Collision Jerk

When xARM 6 collides (or in case of unexpected current), the arm does a strong jerk before going into a stop state. Is it possible to just stop movement at the current position if movement irregularities occur?

More details:
In my scenario, I have an xARM gripper that is operating a piece of equipment. In case of a wrong path (during development), the collision detector is triggered not because of the collision, but because the gripper is holding a knob/rotary button which creates a force on motors and I presume causes the current to spike. It’s great that it’s detecting this error in my movement/operation, but what happens is when it detects this error, it does a quick jerk before stopping. Because my gripper is still holding onto the knob, it makes the whole equipment move.

Hi Arturs,

Please enter into ‘xArmStudio-Settings-Advanced Tools-Advanced Logic’, disable ‘collision rebound’ option, and test if the problem is solved.

Best regards,

Thanks, found it!

Issue solved?

Yes :wink: