I was trying to upload a video of my DIY gripper finally working on our xArm 5, but only still files are allowed It uses an Arduino uno with a RS485 shield and a Teensy 4.0 to drive the motor. The motor has a HEDs 9100 encoder on it and the time between pulses was around 8 microseconds so the Arduino kept missing pulses. Next part of the project is to stop the gripper before it slams into the end of the slide. When I use any kind of function to modify the registers, it messes up the ModbusRTU protocol transmission. The python SDK says the gripper is supposed to wait until the gripper is finished but I can’t find any mechanism that actually checks for it to finish. I presumed it would look at the status register and wait until it got a 08(stopped). If I put the 09 (moving) in the register, it just crashes.
Hopefully this link to the video works
Gripper running