uArm Serial No.: UARM-C8FD19405604
Firmware Version: 3.2.0
Operation System: Win 10
uArm Controlling Method: Arduino (Marlin) GCode and control with Java Serial interface
Hello uArm-Team,
we have the gripper in use. When we get the uArm in a straight forward position with gripper in position 90° and we switch on the power supply, then our uArm attatch the motors and move the servo to a position 105°.
While programmiing the uArm, we can add a offset of 15°, when we want to have the uArm in forward position. That works, but the starting situation is not satisfiable (in sum we cannot use the full range (0…180°) auf the gripper. We kann only use 15° … 180° (or 195° :-)).
Can you give us a tipp to “repair” that offset? Is there a way to rearrange the gripper servo do start in 90° position again (i think this is the value, which the uArm get during the starting process).
With best regards