I have also posted this question in the Facebook Forum, but the answers were not 100% reliable. I have my uarm now calibrated and almost everything works, I do not want to thorugh everything away flashing it incorrectly
The Background:
I want to eliminate the beep sound that the uarm makes when it connects to the PC. I found the piece of code which makes this beep. I wanted to deleted and compile the new firmware and upload it to the uarm.
But before flashing the uarm I wanted to check that the compiled hex is right
The first proposal was
To compile, open Marlin.ino using Arduino IDE, and compile.
I have check the hex file generated and its a little bit smaller as the official hex (copiling 1:1 the forked version of
I did not upload the hex
Then I read about PlatformIO and I build the hex file again (making a little bit reasearch) with Atom and PlatformIO pluggin. Here I get a similar hex size.
Does somebody know how to compile the code correctly?
I will really appreciate some collaboration of uarm developers. It would be great to have some build guidelines