Lite 6 manual mode button detect

Hi folks,
on the end of the Lite 6 arm is a button to start recording in manual mode.
Is it possible to detect when this button is pressed using python?
Had a look in the python SDK but couldn’t find anything…

i can switch to manual mode in python, record the 5 servos every 2 seconds, write these to a file, then play them back - that works fine.
It would be very useful to be able to press the button on the end to signal my python code to record a position (rather than using a timer)…

Thanks, Pete.

Hi Pete,

You can monitor the button of Lite6 yourself via arm.get_tgpio_digital(2).

Best regards,

Hi Minna,
thanks for the quick reply - just tried that and it works! The state goes from 0 to 1 when the button is pressed.
Will modify my code to monitor it…
all the best, Pete.