Problem with system


I have a problem with ufactory lite 6. After applying power, the Status LED does not light up. It keeps blinking and I can’t connect to the robot.

Is there any possibility to upload the firmware without a LAN connection, maybe via the USB-C port?

Hi Rafal,

Please share the SN of Lite6 to
After applying power, the ‘motion status’ indicator will keep blinking. If you release E-stop button, the ‘Robot PWR’ will light up and keep red.

Do you connect with Lite6 successfully before? What is the IP of your PC? It should be on the same network segment as Lite6 in,
Please note that USB-C is used only for internal debugging.

Best regards,

so I was able to communicate via LAN. is there a factory reset option by some button? or jumper?

Hi Rafal,

Do you want to reset IP or something else?
We provide ‘factory reset’ button on our UFactory Studio software, it will reset some parameters regarding movement but not all.
It would be better if you can tell me what you would like to reset.

Best regards,

I want to reset the robot to factory settings. I want to initialize the system from scratch. I can’t connect to the robot in any way. I reset the IP through the jumper and it didn’t help.

Hi Rafal,

Have you been able to connect the arm before? You mentioned you can communicate via LAN.
What is the IP is your PC? Can you open ‘terminal’, enter ‘ipconfig’, and take a screenshot with us.
If you reset the IP of our robot, the IP is by default.

Best regards,