[Python] 'Access is denied error'

uArm Serial No.: (the No. at the bottom of each uArm reading “UARM-UP1300190901DC”)

Firmware Version: 3.2.0

Operation System: Win 10

uArm Controlling Method: Python uArm 2.0 library

When trying to control the uArm from python after doing testing in uArm studio, the error: “serial.serialutil.SerialException: could not open port ‘COM3’: PermissionError(13, ‘Access is denied.’, None, 5)” always occurs.

After I disconnect the uArm for a few hours, I am able to control it again from python, but this issue keeps recurring.

Is there a recommended way to switch between uArm Studio and Python without causing this issue?

Maybe you did run the uarm studio and it keep running on the background, try to kill “uarmcore.exe” on the task manager.

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