Reverse Pump Polarity

Hi there,

Is there a way to reverse the pump polarity so that it can blow air instead of suck? Some objects stay sucked on the suction cup for too long after releasing the pump so maybe alittle positive pressure might help push it off the suction pump.

I have opened up the arm but its custom circuit board is hard to tell if it has some motor shield built in or not or the capability to switch DC currents from - to + since I assume the pump is DC motor, I know that the stepper motors can go backwards or forwards so there is something switching the current.


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uArm User Facebook Group


Hi, it’s impossible to do that. Thanks

Ah damn thats fair enough, I might look into seeing how i can introduce a reverse polarity into the system then.

Haha, this is limited by the hardware, I don’t think it’s possible without changing the hardware.