Rosgenmsg error on MATLAB-2023b

Hi,here is Rikuto.
I am facing an error when generating ROS messages using the MATLAB function “rosgenmsg”.
I want to generate ROS messages using “xarm_msgs” in the official github package “xarm_ros”, but I get the following error.
" The index exceeds the number of array elements. Index must not exceed 1 "
Has anyone else faced the same error?
I am having trouble moving on from this error.
Kindly await your help.
Thank you.

Hi Rikuto,

Sorry we can’t help a lot regarding Matlab.
Which ROS command did you launch? Can you send us a screenshot of the error code?

Best regards,

Hi,thank you reply.
Attached is a screenshot of it.

Sorry for the picture in Japanese.
Thanks for your help.

Hi Rikuto,

Would you please change it to English?
According to the error message, what is the code of line 557/159/123…

Best regards,