[Official] UCS-V1.2.2 Release (& Several Updates)

Dear UCS users,

uArm Creator Studio (UCS),a software for controlling the uArm Metal, has been released on this forum in Sep. 2016. It’s a project made by a uArm user named Alex Thiel.
It is both a VPL (Visual Programming Language) and an IDE (IntegratedDevelopment Environment). More importantly, it has built-in vision commands that makes applying computer vision incredibly easy. We’re grateful that some uArm users have been using it and given us valuable feedback.

###Please try if:

  • You are interested in playing with uArm via graphical programming (& coding, of course).
  • You are eager to try out robot vision.
  • You have a uArm Metal (UCS is unavailable for uArm Swift (Pro) or uArm Acrylic)

###Download UCS V1.2.2 (compatible with Firmware-v2.2.1)
Windows (64 bit only)

  • Try it out

##For ALL UCS users

Get through UCS quickly with:

##Get engaged in the community

All of your feedback are valuable to us. Enjoy making with uArm.


(The uArm Team)

Do you have separate versions for 32 and 64 bit? I have a 32bit and this application is not opening.


Sorry… UCS only has Win 64 bit version currently.

UCS is not working for MAC sierra. it just won’t open.

Hi, UCS work for Uarm Swift Pro?

Hi, UCS only works for uArm Metal.
Since Metal and Swift Pro have different kinds of firmware, and the structure of UCS is complicated, we won’t make UCS compatible with Swift Pro.
But we’ll definitely create something else for easy-to-use computer vision.

Currently, you can apply computer vision to Swift Pro by using OpenMV Cam7, which can be controlled with Python.