I am also having trouble with skipping gears (not necessarily at the limit).
I tried 3D printing and it was chaos… never went to the zero level (somewhere above it).
I tried with blockly, for example with ‘move to’ and the ‘programmed’ coordinates found when placing the arm by hand. The position when I ran was somewhere else (sort of above it a couple of cm).
It never was very consistent in going to programmed coordinates.
I programmed the four coordinates you mentioned in the mail and made a video…
The first time there was the skipping… the other times it did not look like it was going to the right coordinates.
The video: https://www.flickr.com/gp/22612218@N07/075eT0
Any suggestions? or other tests?
The specifications are at the bottom of this mail.
Edward S. Blurock
uArm Serial No.: UARM05051700B9
Firmware Version: 3.2.0 (1.1.15-a1)
Operation System: Mac
uArm Controlling Method: uArm Studio
From the problem report:
“Studio”: {
“APP_NAME”: “uArmStudio”,
“APP_VERSION”: “1.1.15-a1”,
“Channel”: “prod”,
“CATEGORY”: “software”,
“LANG”: “en”,
“OS_INFO”: “darwin x64 15.6.0”,
“OS_TYPE”: “mac”,
“OS_ARCH”: “x64”,
“MAIN_WINDOW_URL”: “file:///Applications/uArmStudio.app/Contents/Resources/app.asar/dist/index.html”,
“FAQ_URL”: “http://issue.ufactory.cc/faq.html”,
“HOME_PAGE_URL”: “http://ufactory.cc”,
“forum”: “https://forum.ufactory.cc”,
“github”: “UFACTORY · GitHub”,
“facebook”: “uArm Robotic Arm User Group | Facebook”
“UPDATE_URL”: “http://update.ufactory.cc/releases/updates.json”,
“UARM_CORE_PATH”: “/Applications/uArmStudio.app/Contents/Resources/studio/uarmcore”,
“UARM_VISION_PAH”: “/Applications/uArmStudio.app/Contents/Resources/studio/uarmvision”,
“UARM_CORE_VERSION”: " 0.8.2",
“STUDIO_DIR_PATH”: “/Users/edwardblurock/uarm/studio”,
“HOME_DIR_PATH”: “/Users/edwardblurock/uarm”,
“STUDIO_CONFIG_PATH”: “/Users/edwardblurock/uarm/studio/config.json”,
“FIRMWARE_DIR_PATH”: “/Users/edwardblurock/uarm/firmware”,
“AVRDUDE_DIR_PATH”: “/Applications/uArmStudio.app/Contents/Resources/studio/avrdude”,
“LOG_DIR_PATH”: “/Users/edwardblurock/uarm/studio/log”,
“DRIVER_DIR_PATH”: “/Applications/uArmStudio.app/Contents/Resources/studio/driver”,
“CURA_DIR_PATH”: “/Applications/CuraForuArm.app”,
“CACHE_DIR_PATH”: “/Users/edwardblurock/Library/Application Support/uarmStudio”,
“API_HOST_URL”: “http://studio.avosapps.us/”
“UArm”: {
“portName”: “/dev/cu.usbmodem1411”,
“firmwareVersion”: “3.2.0”,
“hardwareVersion”: “3.3.0”,
“productName”: “SwiftPro”,
“productType”: “swiftpro”,
“portSerialNumber”: “508CB1675F67”,
“currentX”: 200,
“currentY”: 0,
“currentZ”: 100,
“currentR”: 90
“Problems”: {
“coreExisted”: true,
“coreRunning”: true,
“coreConnected”: true,
“uarmConnected”: true,
“driverInstalled”: true,
“uarmPortConnected”: true,
“other”: “”
“ports”: [
“port”: “/dev/cu.usbmodem1411”,
“uarm_type”: “swift”
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