I am happily tinkering with my uArm Pro but decided after the first day with the current software, that it might be easier for me to get myself a little cnc GCode workflow going for I did that already with a small diy mill.
testing with my old set up of
www.makercam.com (for translating my images into GCode) and
https://github.com/cncjs/cncjs (for controlling the arm)
in order to get some laser work done, I quickly encountered my limit of understanding, though:
It moves, but the GCode is probably faulty (looking at it and the uArm GCode Protocol does already show how much stuff is in there that I am not sure the Arm even understands at all)
With my cnc mill project it helped me a great deal to look at other people’s workflows from image to GCode to actually controlling it through a Grbl interpreter.
So: If anybody of you has already done it (not necessarily for laser, but anything that works already): Let me know.
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