Found a great use for my uArm swift pro as a lab assistant handling testtubes in COD testing.
The test involves several steps of manipulating the testtubes in various intervals. (heating (30min), cooling (30min) and a shake halfway through the cooling period.)
The video shows uArm performing the steps mentioned above (for this demonstration i’ve reduced the intervals between steps to 5 seconds)
My goal is to have the uArm performing several of these tests simultaneously… This proves to be a bit of a challenge as i’m not much of a programmer… 
Below some close-ups of the setup:
Any questions about this project i’ll be happy to answer…
Also tips on how to make multiple sequences run simultaneous using blockly (e.g. starting from keystroke) would be appreciated 
Best regards,
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uArm User Facebook Group
Hi,this is Zoe from ufactory team. your video is so cool! and We hope to get your permission to repost it on our social platform(like facebook)!We would appreciate it very much. my email is looking forward to your reply!
Hi Zoe,
Thank you for your kind words, i’m glad you like the video.
Please feel free to use it however you want! (i’m honored
I’m very pleased with the product and service you provide, this doesn’t have to be a secret!
Best regards,
Thank you very much for your permission.
We’ll share it with more people on our facebook.
thank you again for your kindly cooperation.
have a nice day.
How did you solve to the positioning of the coordinates were manually defined.
This is rather like a project we have, but need to use a Camera to determine which Tablet (Form) and Colour.
Hi Bonzadog1,
Thanks for your interest. I think probably you have a much more complicated project than mine was…
As the tubes in my project are all the same, different shapes/forms don’t need to be recognised. Same goes for colours. (Allthough i can certainly imagine lots more possibilities if colour could be recognised. E.g. different sequences/heating times etc. depending on the colorcoding of the tube… However, my programming skills are way too basic.
My project uses fixed coordinates, i.e. the uArm, heaterblock and tuberack are bolted to the base. So i only had to make a list of all the positions (xyz) for pick-up/drop-off of the tubes. For this, no camera is needed.
I’m sorry i cant be of any help, if you want more details on my project, just let me know…
Best regards,
P.S. The uArm lab-help continues to perform very well, it’s used daily in my place of work. So far we’ve never had any mayor issues!
Compliments to the uFactory team!