Using a Raspberry Pi to control the UArm Pro

I am about to experiment with the Video Kit I bought some time ago.

But I would like to control the uArm Pro using a Raspberry Pi 4 and also WiFi ( over the same RPi)

I wonder if it possible to read the video camera mounted on the uArm into the Pi for OPENCV processing.
But I think perhaps an extra Camera would be needed…in which case, I will have some fun converting the Camera X,Y
values into the uArm movement coordinates.

Has anyone any tips on this.???.

Maybe you could try the uArm python sdk.

OK, but does in run on teh Raspberry Pi ARM structure.

Can one send commands to the uARM Pro via the USB? I think I read somewhere this is possible.
If so I would need to write a python or C programme to do this.

Due to me blowing the main board I lost the project for this uArm. However there may well be another project
comming up soon.

Is there any information on your uArm Controller?
How much is the Slider – Amazon does not stock it.

If the Raspberry Pi is able to run Python 3, it should be able to run uArm Python SDK.
You could send Gcode commands to uArm iva USB.
Here is a user manual of the controller:
The Slder is currenty out of stock but you could pre-order on our store:



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if I want to use the uArm Pro wir the Rasopberry Pi. How do I create the HW and SW Connection information…
Can youi please give an example. I want to send commands from the RPI (Later ein PC) to the uArm Pro. The commends are well define in you docs.

Just like using PC, use USB cable connect the pi with uArm, and use the xArm-Python-SDK(you’d familiar with Python) to control the uArm