Xarm Ufactory with Matlab

I would like to transfer my controller code from Matlab to Xarm Ufactory. So I have 2 questions as follows

  1. Could I transfer the code from Matlab to Xarm Ufactory?
  2. If possible, Do you have any guide documents for this?

Thank you very much!

Hi Sir,

Matlab is possible, we have customers do it.
But we need to integrate it yourself, we don’t have guide docs, sorry.

Best regards,

Hi Minna,Tr_ng_D_ng_van,
I would like to control xarm on MATLAB.
Were you guys successful in your operation?
I faced the following error in MATLAB when generating ROS messages using the “rosgenmsg” function
" The index exceeds the number of array elements. Index must not exceed 1 "
Did you guys not face this error?
I am having trouble proceeding from this error.
Thank you.