When is xARM expected to be released?

How much is it expected to cost?

Hi, as the release date and price of the xArm have not been decided yet, you could subscriber our official web to get the latest new of the product. Thanks.

I want pre launch discount!

It’s coming soon, you could subscriber our official website to get the latest news of xArm.

Any update? I can do beta testing to speed up R&D

Hi Reckless, the xArm will be released soon, could you provide your usage scenarios of xArm to support@ufactory.cc so our team could communicate with you? Thanks.

any update for xArm?
Release date?
Buy price?

Hi, it will be available soon, check it here: https://xarm.ufactory.cc/

Is it available for pre order discount? Wgat is smallest size and weight it can handle?

Yes, there will be discount for pre-order. It has a gripper could hold very tiny object.

When will discount for pre-order be available? Xarm was announced 7 months ago.

Pre order will be soon and the xArm will be available for customers in Q4 of this year.

What sort of computer language does it use? I’m using Robotmaster is there a post-processor for this robot?



Are there any 3d CAD files available for the xArm 6? I want to use it in my cell design and purchase when available.

Hi, it based on C++ and we will provide C++/ROS/Python SDK, and even an GUI software.

Hi, the 3D files for xArm 6 is not available yet, we will publish it soon.


is it possible to self-modify the gripper to fit our claims?
Change the gripper finger or use a own gripper?
The original gripper locks very big and is not useable for small parts.

Hi, yes, we will release the spcifications of xArm end connector for you to design your own end effectors(such as gripper/suctions)