[Tutorial for beginners]uArm Playing Number Song on A Toy Piano

We recently created a program that let uArm play music on a toy piano.

You can check the video to see the final movement

The key method for playing music is to specify each point in the 3D space and knock/hit each point/key on the piano. So you can play your own music with uarm.

Check out the blog for detailed information about how it works.

Download the codes here and you can make your own uarm to play songs: https://github.com/uArm-Developer/uArmForArduino/releases/tag/HitPoint

  • before playing music with uArm, remember you have calibrated uArm in the lastest way, check this website below to calibrate uArm and use all new APIs .

check http://developer.evol.net/ to implement our new APIs


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