Cannot Clear Error S17(single-turn encoder error) and S18 (multi-turn encoder error)

Hi, my xArm 5 Lite(Firmware Version:1.7.0) got errors with xArm Studio (Version: 1.7.0) and cannot use the robot now.
Error everytime appears now is “multi-turn encoder error” S18 and sometime “single-turn encoder error S17” appears.

These kind of error appeared in the past and I know “Clear Multi-turn Error” option in Joint Debug of Advance Tools.

Even after that with rebooting my xArm by press the main power button in control box, the same error continues to appear.

“Joint State” return the following log:
code: 1
data: [{“code”:17,“title”:“Single Ring Encoder Error”,“name”:“Servo-1”,“servo_id”:1,“status”:1,“desc”:“Please re-enable the robot.”},{“code”:0,“title”:“Normal”,“name”:“Servo-2”,“servo_id”:2,“status”:0,“desc”:“”},{“code”:18,“title”:“Multi-turn Encoder Error “,“name”:“Servo-3”,“servo_id”:3,“status”:1,“desc”:“Please contact technical support.”},{“code”:0,“title”:“Normal”,“name”:“Servo-4”,“servo_id”:4,“status”:0,“desc”:””},{“code”:0,“title”:“Normal”,“name”:“Servo-5”,“servo_id”:5,“status”:0,“desc”:“”},{“code”:0,“title”:“Normal”,“name”:“Servo-6”,“servo_id”:6,“status”:0,“desc”:“”},{“code”:0,“title”:“Normal”,“name”:“Servo-7”,“servo_id”:7,“status”:0,“desc”:“”},{“code”:0,“title”:“Normal”,“name”:“Gripper”,“servo_id”:8,“status”:0,“desc”:“”}]

Please tell me how to fix this issue.

Hi friend,

Please provide the SN of your robot first.

Did the error happen suddenly? If reboot the whole robot doesn’t work, I am afraid you need to send it back for repair. Please also provide your contact email.

Have a nice day,


I sent a message to about this issue.
