Enable Connector

Hi, i was not able to find any details about the enable connector. Pin out and connector type

Thank you

Hi Smiletronic,

Which model do you use? Please share the SN of your arm to support@ufactory.cc
Can you take a photo of the ‘enable connector’?

Best regards,

Thank You, Isnt the 850 Troubleshoot Forum for 850 Robots?
We have a 85ß, i dont have the Serial# Handy at the moment.

best O

Hi Smiletronic,

No worry, it is for 850. Would you please take a photo of ‘Enable Connector’? So that there is no misunderstanding.
Any more details/videos may be helpful.

Best regards,

you mention in your manual this switch

Hi Smiletronic,

We have stopped selling three-position enabling switches, we will remove it from the user manual in the next version.

Best regards,