Firmware v4 does not work

uArm Serial No.: (the No. at the bottom of each uArm reading “UP-130017110243”)

Firmware Version: Was 3.2, trying to update to 4.1.1 or even 4.0

Operation System: Mac

uArm Controlling Method: serial terminal
Trying to upgrade using the .hex files provided at [Official] The new firmware v4.0 of uArm Swift Pro has been released using HexLoader

The unit updates but after restarting it, it reverts back to standard grbl commands, it no longer accepts uArm commands.

I have also tried building from source code and grblUpload.ino using Arduino IDE and source downloaded from GitHub - uArm-Developer/SwiftProForArduino at Version_V4.0 but the unit behaves even worse, accepts commands but seems to not know position.

What is the correct way to update to version 4.1.1?

Official Store
uArm User Facebook Group
