[Official] The new firmware v4.0 of uArm Swift Pro has been released

After several months’ hardworking, the beta version of the new firmware and the new python library has been released.Currently it’s still not fully compatible with uarm studio, but it won’t be too long.It brings a whole new experience such as moving fast and moving stably.Welcome to experience and give us any feedbacks.

New firmware in here GitHub - uArm-Developer/SwiftProForArduino at Version_V4.0.
New python library in here GitHub - uArm-Developer/uArm-Python-SDK: New python library for Swift, Swift Pro.

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I am not able to download the firmware from the link given above .
And also the python library link is still pointing to the old library which was released 8 months ago .

Can you please update the link

the url has been updated.New python library is the branch which name is 2.0.

I tried uploading the firmware , but after the update the Xloader says " 0 bytes uploaded "
So i am not sure it the firmware got updated or not . i didn’t get any error

Also i checked the version using uarm Studio , the firmware for uArm pro still says 3.2 .

Please guide us


You could use Arduino IDE to upload the project.

Can you please tell me the steps to update the firmware using Adruino IDE

Please share the steps to update the firmware using Adruino IDE

hi,you can refer to this url.Home · uArm-Developer/SwiftProForArduino Wiki · GitHub

Does new firmware improve repeatability?

The video seems like unit has more precise movements

Currently it improve the speed and will improve the Z axis precision in next few version.

Awesome! Please hurry with development as if the unit becomes much more precise I will be interested in using more of these in my factory.

Hi Reck, as of now the reputability is already 0.2mm, what we talk about the Z axis precision improvement is about the moving path could be used in 3D printing or drawing. Could you tell us more details about how you are going to use it in your factory?

We have many applications but the one requiring extreme precision and repeatability is for programming QFNs using a chip programmer. The leads on a QFN are very tiny and need to make proper contact. Each leg takes 0.15 mm.

We also want to use our uarm swift pro for pick and place packaging using suction cups. Hopefully new end effectors coming out to handle boxing application (placing 50g product in box). Xarm can pick up boxes and place them on pallet and through a taper. Hopefully it doesnt take as long for your company to develop.

Hi Reck, if you could provide a video about the usage scenario will be better, it will help us understand the situation.

When will this be updated in Uarm studio???


Hi Reck, you can update uArm Studio now! (except blockly and 3D printing are not compatible with the new firmware yet)

I noticed the base of new firmware, Grbl v0.9j, does not support 3D printing. Are there plans in the works to make the new firmware support 3D printing?

Hello,we have not yet planned to add 3D printing to our new firmware, thank you for your understanding.