Hi I am using an xarm06, a few questions i want to ask
This was in the documentation as provided.
“If larger current is needed, connect the external power supply as shown below.”
If i were to configure in that arrangement, how much more current will be ouputed.
I want to use the configurable digital output to trigger a external toolchanger that draws approximately 0.7A of current. Can i use the output of the controller box of the robot to power my toolchanger?
Is the digital output from the controller box meant for powering an appliances? or isit meant more as a 24V signal to trigger external relays. ( meaning the external appliances eg. tool changer should rely on another external power soruce)
Hi Minna, noted on the max current from the configurable output is only 100mA and should not be used to power any appliances without any external circuit.
Can i clarify what you mean by the using the “external 24V input max current is up to 3A”? Does the max current means that the current to the tool IO port uses? (since the controller IO port is still max value of 100mA)
I am currently trying to use the X-Arm to power the tool changer. We tested with our own adjustable power supply and ascertain that the tool changer uses 24V and draws 0.70A. We tried to use the tool IO to trigger the tool changer, but it did not work. We are using the default configuration to use the internal power. So will making the change like the above diagram help make this work?
1.8/3A refers to the max current supported by these 4 24V pins, it will trigger current protection if the current is out of limit.
It has nothing to do with the digital output, and tool IO. The controller IO and tool IO are completely independent.