If I have external hardware controlling my custom gripper by passing it commands via the Modbus TCP, (through the 12 pin plug) what is the server/slave relationship?
Is it:
1. xArm (server), End effector (slave), External hardware (slave)
2. xArm (server), End effector (slave), External hardware (server)
3. xArm (slave), End effector (slave), External hardware (server)
4. xArm (slave), End effector (server), External hardware (slave)
Or should it be handled a completely different way?
According to the documentation, I can control the XArm and the custom gripper via the Python SDK, but it seems easier to just control the gripper and let xArm studio generate the xArm code. Is this correct?
That is a useful article and combines some of the information in the user manuals in one convenient place.
However, it doesn’t answer the question of how to set up the gripper’s Modbus protocol. Robotiq doesn’t say if their gripper is set up as a master or a slave.