Unable to use xArm in Manual mode

Hi Everyone!

I recently setup an xArm with a new controller and also updated the xAtm studio software. But inside the xArm studio, when I try to turn on the manual mode it says the the friction data is not set. I am unable to locate where to put the friction data inside the xArm studio.

I would really appreciate your help on this matter.


Hi Anant,

Please refer to the below link to reload the friction parameters and other configs.
What should I do if I swap the xArm control box? | UFACTORY Help Center

If there are still problems, please provide SN of the robot and control box, and the firmware version to support@ufactory.cc

Best regards,


I checked and tried to follow the link but am facing the following issues:

  1. The link mentions to export/import configuration files from the old controller. So wanted to confirm that for this, I will first have to install the old controller and export the configurations using xArm studio. And then re-install the new controller and import the previously exported configuration?

  2. The UI of xArm studio in the link looks very much different than mine. My UI of my xArm studio looks like the following:

    in the link, it mentions to do friction identification again inside ‘Settings-Advanced Tool’ for 12xx models. But as you can see in the above image, there is no ‘Tools’ section in Settings-Advanced.

Thanks a lot for your assistance in this. I really appreciate it.


Hi Anant,

  1. Yes, you need to install the old one and re-install the new controller and import again.
    But you can choose to config it yourself instead of importing the config files, you can refer to appendix to see what parameters are saved in the config files.

  2. We newly released V2.0 version of the UFactory Studio, the UI has been changed a lot as you see, and we removed the friction identification function. Please provide the SN of your robot and send it to support@ufactory.cc, we will help to load the friction file remotely.

Best regards,