xArm 6 blocked


Can I have some help please, for an unknow reason, our xArm 6 is stuck and it cannot move at all.

I have tried manually mode, but game message.


If I try to press “INITIAL POSITION” I get : turn on “manual mode”.


It’s like an infinite loop.

I’ve unplugged it because J3 becoming hot (Robot do not receive any order from anywhere)

SN : XI130511D43A3A


Thank you in advance.

Hi Ludo,

Please enter ‘Settings-General-Debugging Tools-Joint’, try to unlock Joint3, and move Joint3 a little bit in negative direction,so that the joint3 angle in within range.

Best regards,

Thank you, yes I have successfully unlock the xArms yesterday by searching in the forum.

I took me 3 try in the day for unlocking the joint with the debugging tools.

Any idea why that happen ?

Thank you

Hi Ludo,

Issue solved? Can you reproduce this issue? Does the arm work near the joint limits?

Best regards,