Xarm coordinates in blocky


Can I get the Xarm tool coordinates in blocky?
What function can I use?

You can use the following command:

But is there a way to get the tool coordinates as a string from example. Just like in python you can write: arm.get_position(…).

@Wessel yess, thats what im looking for. thanks for clearifying.
@jane, I want to use the current tool coordinates in a conditional statement.

IF( z coordinate > .20)…

Got it, we will look into it to see if we could add this feature to Blockly by the next main update.

Hi Daniel,
Could you get in touch with me by mail.
I have some more thoughts on essential features that could be inducted.


I did send the Email, please check.
My Email is daniel.wang@ufactory.cc


Hi dear UFactory team,

Is this available yet in Blockly?
I also am interested to have the joint coordinate to test where the robot position is, and depending on that initiate a different homing sequence. Something as per below:

if((J1<=130) && (J1>=90))
//Homing sequence 1
else if((J1<=89) && (J1>=40))
//Homing sequence 2
//Homing sequence 3

Hi Antoine,

It is not supported in Blockly. Please use the python/C++ code to achieve it.

Best regards,

Hi dear Minna,

Ok thank you for the answer, then I will rely on the implementation of the “Python function” blockly to do that.

Kind regards,


I had the same problem recently and I’m trying to fix it, very useful to share